Kratom Legality

Kratom is not intended in the diagnosis, mitigation, cure, treatment, or prevention of any disease and/or medical condition. All information on this site is for informational purposes only and is not to be construed as medical advice.  The consumer is responsible for educating themselves and making informed decisions. As with any product do your research before purchasing. Information on this website is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of any illness or medical condition.You must be 18 years or older to purchase anything on this website.

Is Kratom legal?

Kratom is legal almost everywhere in the world including all most 50 states of America and in all of Europe.  Kratom is not legal in Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Denmark, Finland, Grenada, Lithuania, New Zealand, Romania, Poland, Myanmar, Bhutan, Latvia, Norway, and Sweden.  We do not ship to any countries where kratom is illegal.

UPDATE:  (July 1, 2012) 

Because of an  incorrect synthetic drug classification in Indiana (Indiana House Bill 1196), we can no longer ship kratom products to Indiana until this crazy bill is reversed.  

Contact governor Mike Spence to get this all natural plant off his “synthetic” ban. Please feel free to use our template below when contacting him:

Gov. Mike Pence
Phone: (317)-232-4567
Office of the Governor
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2797

UPDATE:  (July 1, 2013)

Tennessee is adding “Mitragynine” and “hydroxymitragynine” – both plant alkaloids into their new “SYNTHETIC” bill.  They are making a plant illegal.  You can read the bill here:

TN HB0012

Contact Gov. Bill Haslam and these Senators to get this all natural plant off their “synthetic” ban.  Please feel free to use our template below when contacting them:

Governor of Tennessee 
Bill Haslam
Phone: (615) 741-2001
Email: [email protected]
Senator Mae Beavers
301 6th Avenue North
Suite 6, Legislative Plaza
Nashville, TN 37243
Phone (615) 741-2421
Email – [email protected]
Rep. Tony Shipley
301 6th Avenue North
Suite 114 War Memorial Bldg.
Nashville TN 37243
Phone: (615) 741-2886
Fax (615) 253-0247
Email – [email protected]

Because of these new laws, we now cannot ship to either Indiana or Tennessee. We are sorry!  Write your Governors and Congressmen and explain how ridiculous their Synthetic bans are to include all natural and organic plant material. 




I want the removal of Mitragynine & 7-hydroxymitragynine from the [Indiana House Bill 1196]!

Kratom, also known as Mitragyna Speciosa, is a medicinal tree from the Coffee Family and is native to South-East Asia. Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are two of the primary alkaloids of this plant. These two compounds are also not synthetic; they are a natural part of the leaf of the Kratom plant. This in itself shows that these two compounds are not valid candidates for the banning of ‘synthetic substances’.

Kratom is being sought as a treatment for various medicinal reasons by a great many people. Adding these compounds to your list of synthetic substances is not only an unjustified prohibition, but also a great loss to the many people already seeking its usage as a treatment.

We hope you realize the threat this bill causes the people seeking legitimate medicinal use of this special plant. With no known deaths and many possible benefits, kratom should not be banned in its natural form as part of a bath salts bill.

Thank you for your time.


[Your name]