Kratom is currently under attack! We need your help NOW to SAVE our beloved plant!

Three states (FL, NY and GA) have introduced bills to schedule kratom as a controlled substance – dangerous, addictive, and with no medicinal value?! Some of these bills are already moving through the legislative process toward becoming law. We must try and stop them; our voices MUST be heard.

You may have noticed action alerts for all three states on our website. Please take some time TODAY to write e-mails and make phone calls. You may use the same e-mail for all 3. Our 3 alerts in order of urgency:


The Georgia bill (HB783) will be debated in the GA House Health and Human Services Committee NEXT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 at 2pm in Atlanta. AKA Director, Susan Ash, plans to be there to testify. If the bill passes out of that committee, it is one step closer to becoming law. SO ACT NOW.

The New York bills (A8670 and S6345) have been assigned to committees but are not yet on any agendas. We’re currently talking to both bill sponsors’ offices and may take a trip there for some face-to-face meetings. This is second on our list, above Florida, since it could affect the port and shipping which would have far-reaching, national consequences.

The Florida bills (HB 73 and SB 1182) have been assigned to committees and will likely be put on committee agendas soon. They are 3rd on this list simply because progress is being made on a compromise that would still allow responsible adults’ access to kratom. But things can change on a dime and we need your help with ALL THREE STATES NOW.